Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Concert

Cooper is part of a singing group called TaVaci. He has practices once a week which builds up to a Christmas Concert. This year it was on Saturday, December the 3rd. Mommy, Dad and Laney were there to watch. Can I just say that it was AWESOME!

There is a younger and older group. The older group knew the songs and had the motions down perfectly. They did a great job. The younger group were a bit of a mess. Although, they were well trained they were hilarious.... Cooper pulled on his tie, sat down, touched the other kids, had to take a potty break right in the middle of the performance (even though we took him just before it started) and genuinely acted his age (4 years old). At first, it was a bit embarrassing, but because I expected this (after the primary program) I just laughed the whole time. The other kids his age acted accordingly so he was in good company. To add to the excitement Laney was acting her "terrible two" to a tee so I had to stand in the back the whole time. Can I just say even though it is crazy some times I love being a mom!

1 comment:

Mamatoomany said...

I love the girl patting Cooper on the head! hahah HILARIOUS! She is probably like me and loves the feeling of a freshly buzzed head! ;) Lyndi