Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Oregon Coast Aquarium

Going to the coast has become an annual trip. This is our third year. Last year we went in the summer and took our niece Payton also. Cooper was only 1 year old then and did not really have any interest. So this year, one of the main reasons to for going to the coast; besides the opportunity to play in the water and sand, was to go to the Aquarium. Cooper loves all types of animals and since he is almost 2 yrs. we thought he would really enjoy it.

Every thing that swims is a "shark" so we couldn't wait to see his reaction. He didn't let us down. He was so excited to see the "sharks". We had a blast watching him and his reactions. The weather was terrible... it rained the whole time and some times really hard so we didn't get to stay as long as we would have liked. We even brought a lunch to eat that the picnic area that was also spoiled. We plan to go back this summer when the weather is better. We can't wait!

This was entering the glass tunnel that has all types of fish swimming around you and yes there are sharks!

Cooper is showing Dad the fish

And he is pointing them out to me this time

Daddy is pointing out the "real" sharks

Got to get a better look.... nope, not quite good enough

Now I can see them!

What is that?

At last a ride from Dad

Yes, I am liking my Dad's head

Now that is a BIG shark

Practicing for a little under water adventure

Daddy getting into the act

Boy, I love sharks

Nothing better than a guys bottle and "friend"

Cooper touching the sea urchin

Mommy making me look at the camera

Star fish!

Cooper, Daddy and Sea Otters

Boy, they really are big

Just along for the ride

Me and my mom!

Now that is HUGE!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Love all the pictures. Looks like it was a fun time.