Cooper turned 3 on May 16th, so we decided to the "Chucky Cheese" thing. I know what you are thinking... we are crazy, but it turned out to be great. I would recommend to any parent that wants less stress as they do everything for you; including the food, entertainment and even paper products. They really make the child feel special. Plus, the guests have a great time and there is no clean up. I think it went so well because we went on a Monday, early evening. There was hardly anyone there. We were lucky to have cousins, Payton, Kendall and Macey join us. Aunt Courtney, Nana & Papa were also there to join in the festivities.
I wanted his day to be special and one to remember. I even attempted my hand at baking and made him a Monkey cake. My first thought was an elephant cake as he loves them, but they were a bit harder for a first timer. I found a great website that had all the directions, It was easier than I had first expected.
Finally, I just want to take a minute and share my feeling about this amazing little boy. Cooper is our first miracle baby, litterly. I had waited so many years for a baby and he was God's gift to me. He is amazing in so many ways. He is, first, loving and kind. He is incredibly smart and loves to learn. He talks a mile a minute and doesn't know a stranger. He can entertain himself, but also loves to play with others. He loves his sister and can make her laugh like no one else can. He is a joy to raise and easy to love. He can be challenging as any 3 year old can, but I would not change him for anything. He makes me a better mother and is a major source of love in our home. I know, with-out a doubt, he was sent to this earth to accomplish great things. I can't wait to see what is in-store.
Cooper, Mommy and Daddy love you so much and can't imagine life with-out you. Please continue to love unconditionally. Accomplish anything your heart desires. You are a choice spirit. Your Father-in-Heaven is just as proud of you as we are. You have made our life better and we thank you for that. Always, remember who you are and what your represent. Love, Mommy