Saturday, December 19, 2009

Utah Trip July 09- 4th of July Celebrations

For the 4th of July Aunt Lyndi was in charge of fireworks. All the kids including the big one's (Pete & George) joined in as well. Cooper only lasted a short while because of the loud sounds. It was so hot in the house that Cooper and I sat in the van with the A/C running watching a movie during all the festivities.

Ok, so he needs supervision... where are his parents?

Utah Trip July 09- Trampoline and Swimming

On the 4th of July we spent the day at Grandma & Grandpa Allen's house. All the cousins enjoyed playing with each other. The pool was especially fun and Dad joined the kids. Cooper experienced the trampoline for the first time. He liked it as long as he was the only one jumping.

Kaulin and Cooper.

I can do it by myself!

Utah Trip July 09- Riding Bikes

Charlie, Cooper and the neighborhood kid spent most of the afternoon riding bikes and motorized cars. This was Coopers first time on the big bikes... Charlie was so kind to help! Mom was so hot that Dad did most of the helping. Thank goodness for Dad's.

Mom's turn to help!

Utah Trip July 09- Water Fun

I am so late updating our Blog... we had done so much this year to share, but being pregnant will be my excuse for not updating along the way.

During our trip at Utah we experiance 90 to 100 degree days, something our Washington blood is not use to. Needless to say we were so hot and the idea of water sounded great. Aunt Carrie took us to a local park that had a water area complete with spray guns, rings to run through, etc. There was also a great play set with slide and climbing stuff... Cooper and Charlie had a blast, so did Daddy!

Like mother like daughter... I think we can tell what Charlie will look like all grown up!

Daddy joining in on the fun... tring to spray Charlie.

I'm done!

Big tummy and all! Being pregnant in the heat is no fun!

Charlie striking a pose!