Tuesday, March 27, 2012

NW Trek

I stink at blogging, but really want to do better!

Today we went, on a road trip, to NW Trek, in Eatonville, WA. It is about 2+ hours away. A bit far, but worth it for kids that "love" animals! We packed up and left early. The weather was a bit chilly and overcast, but we lucked out with no rain and by the end I was able to take off my "snow" jacket.

We were able to see eagles, moose, deer, bears, cougars, porcupines and much more. Laney was a bit of a stinker, not wanting to "go with the flow", but we had a great time.

 So we tried to get a couple "self portrait"... this was the progression!

Monday, December 26, 2011

2011 SANTA Pictures

We love Christmas & Santa.... This year was really the first year Cooper really figured out that Santa brings gifts so he was so excited to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what he wanted. When we got to our local mall all dressed Santa was at lunch so we had to wait (luckily we only had to wait about 10 min's). Here we are waiting for Santa....
 Laney has candy in her mouth...

 Laney looking at Santa coming down the stairs.

Eating Cooper's candy cane from Santa... Cooper dosen't like candy (I know weird for a kid, but good)